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Submitted by ida.kandler@co… on
Reconciling Work and Family Life – A Matter Close to Content5’s Heart

September 2023

Children are born or relatives need care. This often affects an employee’s working hours. At Content5, it is common practice that our employees can adjust their working hours and office attendance to individually suit their current requirements. 

Regardless of whether it's reducing working hours, longer leaves of absence or office attendance: Content5 reacts flexibly to the changing needs of its employees. That’s why most male colleagues take more than two months of parental leave. And working hours are agreed to individually: Currently, our employee contracts are between 30 and 40 hours in different variations. Some employees come to the office every day, others only once a week.

When the situation changes for individual employees, no one will be sidelined. Working hours can be flexibly adjusted upwards again, regardless of the initial reasons for the reduction. Therefore, being trapped in an unwanted part-time schedule is a foreign concept for Content5.

At Content5, taking time off or reducing working hours has no negative effect on people’s careers. After parental leave, no one is relegated to a position with less responsibility; each person returns to a position comparable to the one they had before. Promotion is also performance-based and not dependent on working hours: for example, 50 percent of our project managers alone work part-time. 

All of this was reality at Content5 even before legal regulations supporting such policies came into force. 

Membership in the Bavarian Family Agreement

In order to show our commitment to these values, Content5 has been a member of the Bavarian Family Agreement (Familienpakt Bayern) since 2017. This is a joint initiative of the Bavarian state government with the Bavarian Business Association, the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and the Bavarian Manual Trades Association with the aim of continuously improving the compatibility of work and family life. 

A child runs towards a woman in an office, who bends down towards the child.